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This guide is intended to direct library users to poetry within various genres.

About this guide...

"Thoughts that breathe and words that burn..." - Thomas Gray


Poetry brings a type of rhythm and life of its own to the page. It can ebb and flow within a single line of ink. It has a certain power from the confines of the pages that grows beyond its limits within the hearts and minds of its readers. It gains the ability to take on new meaning and convey emotion that may change its readers' hearts forever.

However, not all poetry resonates with everyone but when you find the right poem that tunes in with the same frequency as your soul, it is a feeling like no other. This LibGuide is designed to assist library users with finding that poetic connection. Within the guide, there are small compilations that I have attempted to group in a logical order designed to assist you in finding like-minded poets or poetry collections.

In the section titled "Poetry (by period)," the items (all of which can be found within the SAILS catalog) are grouped by literary movements. If you already have a favorite poet in that collection, I highly recommend you giving the others within the same grouping a try.

Within the "Children's Poetry" tab, I selected works that are a good foundation to instill an early love of poetry within your little ones. There are books designed to bridge the gap between parent and child. There are heartwarming classics and exciting modern titles that young children will enjoy and appreciate as they grow.

The last section, the "Favorite Poets Page" is an ever-growing source of authors, old and new alike. All titles within the SAILS network are listed for each poet. I would love to expand this section even more, so if you have a poet you would like to see included within this section, feel free to email me!